We are a Muslim society united by holding fast to the bond of Allah, and adhering to his book and the Sunnah of his Prophet, peace be upon him, doctrine, Sharia and approach. Islamic Sharia is based on right, justice, tolerance and rejection of the causes of division. Therefore, everyone recognizes the importance of national unity and rejection of all causes of discord and division, and prejudice to national cohesion. Citizens are equal before rights, obligations and duties.
Get to know us more..المساهمة في إثراء الجانب المعرفي والفكري في مجالات التواصل الحضاري، والهوية الوطنية، والشخصية الوطنية، والتماسك الاجتماعي
التواصل الحضاري مع العالم بما يعزز الصورة الذهنية عن المملكة خارجيًا.
المحافظة على الهوية الوطنية، وتعزيز قيم الشخصية الوطنية
Supporting community participation to contribute to decision-making and public policies.
Strengthening the partnership framework with government agencies and civil society institutions.
Governance and Management of the Center.
Governance and Management of the Center.
Promoting a culture of tolerance and coexistence.
Contribute to the achievement of the Kingdom's Vision 2030.
Build an effective relationship with media organizations and focus on new media.
Creating links with international institutions.